Pining and Patience

Aviral's heart raced with fear as his entire being quivered, feeling the weight of submission pressing down on him. It was a strange sight—a mighty Alpha wolf brought to his knees by a mere human, a rare display of dominance. Aviral struggled to lift his gaze to meet hers, but his body refused to cooperate, betraying his inner turmoil.

Equally taken aback by the unprecedented scene before her, Sana harbored a deep dislike for the boy kneeling at her feet. Despite her disdain, she had not resorted to physical violence against him, refraining from unleashing her formidable punches or kicks upon him. She acknowledged her limitations, recognizing that she was not yet superior to him in skill or strength. Nevertheless, a fire burned within her, propelling her toward a future where she would stand as his equal if not his superior—but that day had not yet arrived.

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